Tips to live a long and healthy life.

Tips to live a long and healthy life.

Who doesn’t want to live a long and healthy life? This can be achieved, if you just introduce certain habits in your routine.

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Many people sleep just a few hours. However, sleeping can be paramount to a healthier lifestyle. According to Men’s Fitness, sleeping between seven to eight hours is beneficial for building muscle and helps you process food better throughout the day.

Protein-rich breakfast

Protein-rich breakfast

Eating a breakfast rich in protein helps prevent weight gain and makes you less hungry during the day, in addition to stabilizing glucose levels, Men’s Fitness reports.

Quit smoking

Quit smoking

Smoking increases the risk of heart attack, asthma, cancer, and infections.



Some people think that the increasingly popular habit of meditation is only a fad, but the truth is that meditation is extremely beneficial to our health. According to Men’s Fitness, taking 10 to 20 minutes a day to relax and focus on yourself is one of the secrets to longevity.

Drink tea

Drink tea

In addition to being a good way to increase fluid consumption, tea can be drank hot or cold. According to USA Today, tea has antioxidants, it has less caffeine than coffee, it’s beneficial to the circulatory system, it can help with weight loss, protects the teeth, and strengthens the immune system.

Eat more fiber

Eat more fiber

Fiber is essential in any diet. Avocado, oats, and broccoli are good sources of fiber. According to Men’s Fitness, fiber makes you feel full even though you have ingested fewer calories. In addition, it is beneficial to the digestion process and to regulate cholesterol levels.

Take a nap

Take a nap

If you commute to work by bus or train, take a nap during your journey. A 20 to 30 minutes nap can bring several health benefits, especially for the brain, says the National Sleep Foundation.

Avoid products containing BPA

Avoid products containing BPA

Bisphenol A, also known as BPA, is a chemical that is used in the production of plastics. There are several objects we use in everyday life that contain this substance, such as plastic bottles and food containers. According to Men’s Fitness, BPA impacts our health negatively and may affect both the reproductive and circulatory system.

Cook vegetables in olive oil

Cook vegetables in olive oil

According to an article published in EurekAlert!, a study shows that vegetables fried in olive oil have more antioxidants and phenolic substances, which help cancer and diabetes.

Avoid yo-yo diets

Avoid yo-yo diets

Some people slack on their healthy diet on weekends. According to an article published by The University of New South Wales, yo-yo dieting is as bad for health as a fast food-based diet.

Plan your ‘cheat meals’

Plan your 'cheat meals'

While the yo-yo diet can be bad, strategically planning your cheat meals can be beneficial. A weekly cheat meal high in calories and carbohydrates may boost leptin, which helps regulate energy expenditure, and ghrelin, the ‘hunger hormone,’ says Men’s Fitness.

Always add greens to your meals

Always add greens to your meals

If you are not eating green ingredients, you are probably missing out on some important nutrients. Dark leafy vegetables are packed with beneficial antioxidants, which are crucial in cancer prevention.

Boost your sex life

Boost your sex life

It is well known that the practice of safe sex can bring health benefits. According to the Mirror, these include strengthening the immune system, reducing the risk of incontinence, improving self-esteem, reducing stress, and increasing well-being.



According to Men’s Fitness, the benefits of flossing go beyond oral health. In case of gum infection, bacteria present in the mouth may enter through the wound and cause infections in other areas of the body. If you make flossing a habit, it will also benefit the rest of the body.

Drink warm water with lemon

Drink warm water with lemon

According to Healthline, this is not only beneficial for body hydration, but it’s also a good source of vitamin C. It’s also good for the skin and digestion, as well as aiding weight loss.

Wear sunglasses

Wear sunglasses

There are several reasons why many people don’t wear sunglasses. However, according to Men’s Fitness, wearing sunglasses daily can protect you from sunburn, cataracts, and skin cancer.

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Warm up before working out

Warm up before working out

According to Men’s Fitness, performing warm-up exercises before any physical activity is essential, not only to avoid injury, but also to get better results.

Weight yourself daily

Weight yourself daily

According to a study by The University of Manchester, participants who weighed themselves more often ended up losing more weight than those who did it less often.

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