Things to do before 8 a.m. to start living a better life.

Things to do before 8 a.m. to start living a better life.

Morning routines can have short and long-term effects on your health, energy, mood and well-being. There are many things you can do every morning to feel healthy, energized and optimistic. But you don’t have to do everything to benefit from a healthy morning routine. Choose the things that work for you so you can start your day on the right foot.

Drink water

Drink water

If you don’t drink water for hours overnight, you will be dehydrated in the morning. So the best thing you can do for your body is to drink one or two glasses of water when you wake up. This will replenish your fluid stores and get your metabolism going for the day. For an extra energy boost, you can add lemon to your water.



With just 10 minutes of meditation, you can relax and quiet the brain. In turn, this can help you be more creative, contemplative, and in touch with yourself. Meditation can help you think efficiently and be more productive throughout the day.

Write in a journal

write journal

If you find it difficult to quiet your brain, write in a diary for a few minutes instead. Journaling has the same effect as meditation. It also helps to structure your thoughts, making it easier to solve problems and resolve disagreements. Writing can help reduce stress, lift your mood and improve your health.



Exercise can really help you start your day on the right foot. Exercise releases endorphins in your brain. These chemicals help reduce pain, discomfort, and stress hormones. And they boost energy, mental sharpness, and well-being. This natural high helps you feel good, in control, and motivated to achieve your goals.

Get some sunlight.

Get sunlight

Exposure to sunlight first thing in the morning tells your body it’s time to wake up and start the day. Light stops your body’s melatonin production. This is the hormone responsible for telling your body to sleep. As a result, you’ll be more alert in the morning. If it’s still dark when you wake up, turn on the lights in your home.

Eat a healthy breakfast.

Eat healthy

People who eat breakfast are often less likely to be obese and tend to be less hungry throughout the day. Your body needs food for energy to keep you going. And your metabolism works better earlier on. A healthy breakfast will give you more energy, focus, and a better memory for a more productive day.



It’s common for people to check their phones for texts, e-mails, and social media alerts when they first wake up. But if you do this, you are more likely to lose focus on yourself. And your morning ends up focused on the stress and demands of other people. So do something relaxing instead to start the day right.

Set goals for the day

Set goals

Create a to-do list and schedule for your day that prioritizes your goals. Setting daily goals and schedules will increase your chances of accomplishing your goals. When you plan ahead, you will have a clear schedule in mind that drives your productivity.

Practice gratitude


Negative thoughts can keep you from accomplishing goals and getting on with your day. So, take a few minutes each morning to focus on three things that you are grateful for. These things can be anything. This task can push your mindset toward positive thinking so you can start your day with a positive outlook.

Wake up early

Wake early

Waking up earlier gives you more time to do the things you enjoy before the workday wears you down. Waking even an hour earlier will benefit your morning routine. Instead of rushing to complete your morning routine, you can take your time. Once you’ve made a habit of rising early, your body will adjust to this new sleep-wake cycle.

You may like best morning routine for a productive day.

Credit: msn news